Ideas, Stories, and Profiles
This week’s curator of [RwOT](javascript:void(0)) community account @my250tweets has posed ten questions, ranging from married couples sharing passwords to ideas for a perfect date, abortion and cheating.
Below they are. Try them if you may.

1 – Sharing passwords

1.Do you think married/dating people should not know each other's passwords? Why?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

2 – Favourite place in Rwanda

  1. What's your favorite place in Rwanda?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

3 – Perfect date

  1. What's your idea of a perfect date?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

4 – Favourite Rwandan author/book

  1. Who is your favorite Rwandan Author?Which Rwandese book would you recommend?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

5 – Abortion

5.Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

6 – The old good times

6.What moment in History would you like to relive? Why?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

7 – In the future five years

7.Where do you see yourself in five years?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

8 – Cheating

  1. Have you ever cheated? Were you ever caught? And how?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

9 – 2017

  1. Did you sign the Third Presidential Term petition?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

10 – Cheating, again

  1. Have you ever been cheated on? How did you find out?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 19, 2015

According to her Twitter bio, Ms. Mwamikazi is a pre-med/biochemistry/economics student based in New York.

On Friday morning, she sent more questions:

  1. What is the best advice your parents gave you?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

  1. If the world was to end today, what would be your greatest regret?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

  1. What is the craziest thing that ever happened to you in a Rwandan nightclub?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

  1. Tell us one thing you'd change about Rwanda and its people.

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

  1. What is your favorite Bible verse? Why?

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

BONUS: Her comments

Sinzi ibyo murimo I must have all his passwords, and my fingerprint should be saved in his phone. Y'all trippin!!!

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

Since U couldn't recommend any book. I remembered a book written by a Rwandese Female Author that I read in H.S.1/3

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

The book was "Giramata", and the name of the author was Yuliyana Niyitegeka Mukarugira.I remembered that my school had many of her books.2/3

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

I decided to search her tonight. Apparently she wrote: Giramata (1987), Urwibutso (1988), and Wishavura(1989).I'll try to get a hold of them

— #RwOT|| Odile U. (@my250tweets) November 20, 2015

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