Ideas, Stories, and Profiles
I went to see a friend who works for a local radio station a few months ago, and I met a young man who took a little bit of my attention.
He told me was a singer and, in fact, he had come to submit his newest song to the radio station’s music editor. I took a chance to be the first among the people who were around to listen to the song – just out of curiosity.

He looked less confident, at least, than I would expect any talented singer in town to be. But I had an impression that he’s a hard working young man, who’s passionate about what he’s doing. I believe his music is worth listening to.

As I had used my laptop to open his flash drive and play the song, I asked him if I can keep the file with me. He agreed, definitely with hope that I can help spread it out.

A few months later, I am pleased to share it with you here:

I checked his Facebook page today and found out that he’s 22. I hope you find his song interesting and are able to share it with your friends, if you like.

I haven’t heard anyone talking about this man yet – I feel like he’s still unkown, although I am Knowless about what’s going on in Rwanda’s music industry right now. But perhaps one day he’ll be able to beat local musician King James.

I wish him, and any other young musician who’s working hard to make great things happen, good luck.

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